The influence of colors on human life - how to choose the right natural gemstones?

The influence of colors on human life - how to choose the right natural gemstones?

What is the influence of colors on health, the influence of colors on a person, the influence of colors on well-being, the influence of colors on emotions, the influence of colors on the human psyche? Do colors affect us? Find out what colors and gemstones affect you and your well-being. Check which colors you should avoid and which ones you should surround yourself with. What are chromotherapy benefits?

Color is a subjective sensory impression produced in the brain when the eye perceives electromagnetic radiation in the visible light range. It turns out that colors have a real impact on well-being. This knowledge is the basis of color therapy, also known as chromotherapy.

This form of impact on the human body has been known since antiquity and is successfully used to this day. Of course, color therapy will not replace conventional therapy methods, but it can be an effective complement to them.

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The best known is the influence of colors of mental health, but also affects cognitive functions or allows you to reduce pain sensations.

Here are some examples of using colors in therapy:

  • white color (agate, rock crystal) can relieve stress and depression, yellow (citrine) adds energy, facilitates the processes of learning and remembering,
  • orange color (aventurine, amber) activates energy reserves and, similarly to yellow, it is not recommended for hyperactive people - it is not conducive to calming down the body,
  • pink color (rose quartz) gives an optimistic and calming effect,
  • red color (coral, agate) stimulates and strengthens, can raise blood pressure and sharpen the senses,
  • purple color (amethyst, fluorite, charoite) can normalize the secretion of hormones and relieve headaches,
  • blue color (aquamarine, jade) has a calming and calming effect, reduces muscle tension and relieves headaches, can lower blood pressure,
  • navy blue (blue goldstone, lapis lazuli) improves concentration and memory, green color (agate, aventurine) allows you to regain mental balance, makes you optimistic, has a soothing effect on the nervous system,
  • gray color (labradorite) relaxes and calms down,
  • black color (shungite, agate, lava, tourmaline) can soothe the symptoms of neurosis, but its excess can have a negative impact on mental well-being.

How can this knowledge be used in practice?

You can surround yourself with selected colors by choosing the right clothes or color accessories in the form of jewelry with natural stones. You can also use appropriate visualizations, i.e. imagining a specific color.

If you are trying to achieve a goal or have a mission now, you already know what colors and stones you should surround yourself with. They will support you and direct your attention to what is most important to you now.

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