Natural sources of obtaining life energy

Natural sources of obtaining life energy

Happy girl jumps on the beach

Where do vital energy deficiencies come from?

Consideration should begin by determining why we have a shortage of life energy? The answer is much simpler than it may seem, and at the same time a bit worrying.

The deficit of natural vital energy usually coming from amount of toxins your body getting. It contributes to this:

  • worthless junk food
  • toxins from the environment
  • polluted water, full of toxins and heavy metals.

The good news is, however, that you can protect your body against these harmful factors and thus regain vital energy.

Main sources of vital energy

Where does the vital energy come from? Do we have it inside and need to let come out , or can we also "recharge" from the outside?

Everyone has chakras. In other words, these are energy areas in the body that exchange energy with the environment.

Hands and feet are the largest concentration of chakras - true them you can get the most vital energy.

That's why we recommend walking barefoot on the grass or carpet from natural wool! If you do not have such a possibility, at least you could use shoes from natural materials such as wooden clogs, espadrilles on a straw sole without rubber or leather boots with wooden sole.

The main sources of vital energy are :

  • food
  • water
  • sun
  • natura
  • grounding, can't go out and walk barefoot use shungite mat
  • fresh air.

You are what you eat. Mindfulness and ecology in the first place

Food must contain biophotons, which you can measure with a meter. It's best to stock up on local bazaars or proven online stores that offer the most organic, unprocessed food.

Fresh vegetables and fruit at the bazaar

Why doesn't the system want healthy people?

What is the system we recall? It's not just politics, concerns, pharmaceutical and food industries. They are also unethical sellers.

However, you can consciously oppose the ubiquitous pollution if you have life energy.

Keep an eye on what you eat, make sure you regularly recharge with natural energy, e.g. walking on the grass.

We all have the ability to naturally cleanse the entire energy structure, so we can clean ourselves. You just need to know how!

Check! Experiment! Don't listen, just act!

The restrictions imposed by the system or the environment are artificial boundaries that you can easily cross! Plants also complement the empty energy space.

Breathe fully, up to the diaphragm. You can check it by putting your hand on your chest - your stomach should move, not chest.

Fresh spring water

The energy source is in clean water!

Do you drink water from bottles? If yes,stop now! All bottled waters are dead waters, not containing a single gram of prana, or life energy.

Contrary to popular belief, tap water is healthy! What's more - it is the water of life. You just have to clean and recharge it.

You can cleanse it most effectively thanks to shungite. You can charge it energetically thanks to the crystal stone.

What water is the best? Structured, i.e. harmonious and orderly. Expose purified water to sunlight for two hours. Drink it and positive energy will fill your body and soul!

Water prepared in this way is considered a healing potion.

Energy boost in sunlight

Another valuable source of vital energy is the sun. It's enough to spend 2 months in the sun to have charged internal batteries for the next 10 months. To feel good, you must also walk reardless of the weather - at least 10 minutes a day!

The best combination of daily "charging" is a walk in the woods - preferably barefoot!, deep breathing and sun exposure.

Note that sunscreen products they prevent vitamin D absorption and they are a source of toxins.
Girl sitting on a rock in the sunshine

Nature - your vital energy generator

Hugging trees that are considered conscious beings is another valuable source of life energy. But remember to treat them with respect - just like other people.

If you want to get life energy from a tree, you should always ask if you can do it, and after the sesion - thank you!

So if you act ethically towards nature, it begins to work with you!

The law of the universe says:

"If you do something for yourself, for your benefit and you act unethically, you will get back the problem because everything we do must be honest"
Bare feet of a child and adult

Why does walking barefoot increase my vital energy?

The more often you walk barefoot, the more energy you'll have - how is this possible? Not everyone knows this, but rates are the best energy center.

Hands are the second center. The right hand transfers energy, the left hand downloads information. For example: we take money with the left hand and spend it with the right hand.

That is why charging with energy flowing from crystals is so simple and effective. Just take a mineral or gemstone eg. red coral which is energy booster and put to your left hand to get energy from gemstone.

Energy from the air - mountains are your ally!

Clean, mountainous or forest air is one of the most valuable sources of life energy. The best is the mountain climate or sea side. Also you can protect your vitality by wearing shungite pendant then you not loosing your electrons. Whitout them life is impossible and we are very weak then. 

Avoid air-conditioned places - this is a death zone and there is not a bit of exaggeration in it. Similarly with the high density of electrical equipment - they create a space of dead energy!

10 minutes a day on the lawn to recharge internal batteries!

Energy intake by feet is very simple and effective. Obtaining energy from a natural substrate is the most effective. It is important, however, to carry out this process gradually, so as not to catch a cold from the cold ground or accidentally absorb unwanted, bad energy. You can also use pour sand or shungite into a flat container and put your feet in it. Just a few minutes a day to achieve the effect.

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