How to solve problems quickly and effectively?

How to solve problems quickly and effectively?

Today I will tell you how to become a tree. You can find out here how can help you to solve the problem easily and quickly? The journey that is presented today will be based on several Stoic principles known to the philosopher Epictetus, which are related to the unshakable in the symbol of the moment.

Imagine yourself as a tree among a storm of leaves that can flutter and a branch can sway and a solid trunk deeply buried in the ground - this is a portrait of a quiet wild nature, today you are presented here, whose task will be to overcome many external problems that will not be easily solved. you In the event of any challenge that concerns you, it will be the tree that occurred, so nothing bothered you, it did not deny that the storms, but they were taken not to detect the rain that got wet and the wind knocked you down.

Setting boundaries

When you allow the comments and help of others to prevent you from securing control of your life, anyone who may upset you becomes the cause of the problem, but that person who may upset you can only do so if you allow them to.

Epictetus says that there are many keys within us that open the door to our happiness, others to attack ruins and it is these second keys that we hand over to the hands that violate us, this problem is to put up barriers that protect us from the occurrence of others because on the other hand pages Everyone is bound by what he says, but also by what is decided.

Forgiveness is the key to happiness

Don't hate those who hate you just ignore them, you are much bigger than the one who criticizes you and despises you, discriminates against you, so don't waste your precious time on this person because he is not even considered to be present in your thoughts To not be afraid of people who have been wronged, because ten noises constitute the fair share of regrets of someone trying to harm you.

The people responsible for the response gain access to your computer. The ability to firmly forbid us the sense of stopping them and going back to their trials. Analogously by our consequences, directly, to the actions that will be triggered, their actions will be ignored and will have no impact.

In addition, an effective way is to say with joke and humor in ten ways that we have a distance from what they say and more, and it does not affect us to an advanced degree.

symbol of tree in Arcanastones necklace

Stop and think about who you surround yourself with?

Make an alliance with the winners, it's interesting that someone sneezes and we move away, that they will infect us. We are not so careful with contagion as to launch one of the deadliest units that are delivered daily. Epictetus gave us a solution to this matter. The council said:

“We surround ourselves with people who make us want to do our best.”

Because people of them exist, they have a huge impact on our state of mind, because people drain our energy and ruin our day while others leave us full of joy and vigor because the wisest decisions that can be made are to ally with those who they bring good vibrations to our lives while we say goodbye to them, who may make us regret having been born.

Emotion control and stoic calm

Never forget that your destiny is shaped and is not accessible to our reactions that naturally come out of us, because one determines our success or failure Epictetus was very categorical in this matter accessing us that we do not have the opportunity to choose what will happen but it's how we dealt with it.

Misfortune can fall on any of us, but what will we do from the moment it arrives, when the end comes. For some distinction, the importance of entering the world of reach and victimization, while for Epictetus it is a great decision to enter to get to know yourself again and expand your horizons.

Epictetus said that benefits are always derived from any situation that has a particular application. The point is not to have the opportunity to make good out of adversity, but to do so because it is our responsibility that you have the stoic intelligence within you to be aware of the benefits that may come with the situation that has befallen you.

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This results in several rules that can arise when things go wrong. Remain as unruffled as a tree and everything will work towards your entrance. Wearing unique tree of life necklace or tree of life bracelet every day will remind you of it.

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