Balance and acceptance - the key to enlightenment

Balance and acceptance - the key to enlightenment

Balance and acceptance in your life

Find balance in various aspects of your life, because what is good for others is not necessarily good for you. Discover and maintain balance in your nutrition, exercise, spirituality, in your relationships, dreams and desires.

Love yourself and everyone, even enemies, because acceptance is the key to happiness. I know how you can accept an enemy? You can, because if you show him love, then after a while he will change and will not be your enemy. Patience is also important here. The pink quartz stone and aquamarine  stone they the best to keep good balance. They help you to keep you love and have good relationship. You can find them in  pink quartz bracelet and  aquamarine bracelet or Cure Beads modular gemstones.

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Subconsciousness and rebirth - set goal

The subconscious is your inner child who doesn't like change because he wants to protect you from everything new. At the beginning of your decisions, your decision to change will support and support you. However, after some time you will start to hear from her that you no longer have to try and do all those things that are to help you find your way of life.

Your task is to encourage your subconscious mind to do these things. If you know that going outside is good and your subconscious draws you away from it, then you talk to her nice, calmly and with a smile, like to a small child: "Wear shoes, take an umbrella and march because it is a thing to do like morning brushing teeth".

Consistently every day because from small positive actions you get used to the fact that this is normal and there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Don't fight the subconscious. Take care of it as your own child!"

positive action

Positive action - what does it mean

Small positive actions that give you pleasure but are not destructive to help you enter a higher vibration. Higher vibration means: abundance, love, fulfillment, joy, freedom is what you want, action, effort, care for yourself. Lower vibration is: fear, pain, suffering, illness, lack. Entering a higher vibration will let you know what the mission of your earthly life is and you will find an idea for your life.

How to enter a higher vibration and feel the meaning of earthly life?

In a moment - in next articles - you will learn what to do to get into a higher vibration, which blocks you in to feel abundance, love, fulfillment, joy and freedom. These few things will change your life and you will feel complete fulfillment and enlightenment.

So small seeds with small steps, take care of it and let it grow with love and it will grow into a beautiful large healthy plant that will have the strength to protect itself and other plants.

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  1. Eli Richardson

    Recently, I felt like I'm not good enough and I don't deserve good things in life, so after speaking with my sister, I decided it's time to start changing how I think. I liked what you explained about small positive actions and how they'd help you enter a higher vibration, so I think I'll look more into this. Thanks for the advice on reaching enlightenment by accepting balance.

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